COOOEE : A long, loud call used to attract attention when at a distance, mainly done in the Australian bush
OZ : Australia!

29 July 2011

And Back Again

The There & Back Again Tour to FNQ

We are home! Sorry about the lack of postings! Once the word “Home” came into the conversation we were off and running! We actually did the drive from Cairns to Coffs in 3 days! And I even did some of the driving! We had planned to stay at Agnes Waters but decided that it as going to bee too cold to snorkel anyway (at least without a wetsuit and that is just tooo scary a visual!). And we had planned to stay at Poona near Hervey Bay ... And we had planned to stay at Byron Bay (but when we turned up they said there was a mistake in the caravan info book and they no longer took pets .... So it was home!
We left the lovely Malanda Caravan Park without spotting a tree kangaroo but having seen plenty of birdlife. We spent the first night in Bowen in a caravan park that was the icing on the cake as far as our attitude to caravan parks goes! But then the next night we stayed at a very small park at Bororen and wished “if only there could be more like this!”
So the decision has been made :
Caravanning is NOT FOR US! We will be taking it up to Byron Bay next weekend for the Writers Festival but then we are selling it. There are many and varied reasons (ask me if you are interested). We still want to travel so we are researching our options!

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